What films or t.v. programs do you feel depict western influence in Asia?

To identify films or TV programs that depict Western influence in Asia, you can use the following method:

1. Start by researching or brainstorming some key periods or events when Western influence significantly impacted Asia. For example, you might consider the colonial era, imperialism, globalization, or the aftermath of World War II.

2. Once you have a list of historical contexts, think about how Western influence manifested in different aspects of Asian society, such as culture, politics, economics, or lifestyle.

3. Next, search for films or TV programs that are set in or explore these historical contexts. Look for productions that depict interactions between Westerners and Asians, showcase the adoption of Western cultural elements, or examine the consequences of Western influence on Asian societies.

4. Consider using online databases, streaming platforms, or film review sites to find recommendations. Websites like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, or TV streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu can help you explore available content.

5. Lastly, evaluate the chosen films or TV programs based on their authenticity, critical acclaim, cultural representation, and popularity. Pay attention to reviews, awards, and ratings to get a better understanding of their quality and relevance.

Here are a few examples of films and TV programs that portray Western influence in Asia:

- "The Last Emperor" (1987): This movie depicts the life of Puyi, the last emperor of China, and showcases the influence of Western powers on China during the early 20th century.

- "Memoirs of a Geisha" (2005): Set in Japan, this film explores the life of a geisha during the early 20th century, highlighting the impact of Westernization and modernization on traditional Japanese culture.

- "Indian Summers" (2015-2016): This TV series is set in 1930s India during the time of British colonial rule. It explores the political and cultural dynamics between the British colonizers and the Indian population.

Remember, the depiction of Western influence in Asia can vary in different films and TV programs, so it's essential to critically analyze the choices based on your own criteria and research.