use a scatter plot to determine the relationship between the x values and the y values.

x 7 2 4 5 1 6 3
7 5 26 20 15 30 12 25

possible answers:
negative linear relationship
nonlinear relationship
no relationship
positive linear relationship

thanks for your help....

It would help if you proofread your questions before you posted them.

Assuming the second line is y values, you have 8 of them but only 7 x values.

It would be clearer if you would pair the values.

7, 7
2, 5

To determine the relationship between the x values and the y values using a scatter plot, we need to plot the given data points on a graph. Let's do that step-by-step:

1. First, create a coordinate system with the x-axis and y-axis labeled accordingly.

2. Plot the given data points on the graph using the x values as the x-coordinates and the y values as the y-coordinates. The data points are:

(x, y)
(7, 5)
(2, 26)
(4, 20)
(5, 15)
(1, 30)
(6, 12)
(3, 25)

3. Connect the data points with dots to visualize the scatter plot.

Now, let's analyze the scatter plot:

- The scatter plot shows a general trend of the data points slanting from the top left to the bottom right.
- As we move from left to right, the y-values generally decrease.
- This indicates a negative linear relationship between the x values and the y values.

Therefore, the correct answer is a negative linear relationship.

To determine the relationship between the x values and the y values using a scatter plot, follow these steps:

Step 1: Plot the points on a graph.
Using the provided values, plot the x values on the x-axis and the corresponding y values on the y-axis. Each pair of x and y values will form a point on the graph.

Step 2: Examine the pattern and direction.
Observe the overall pattern formed by the points on the scatter plot. Look closely at the direction of the points as they move from left to right on the graph.

Step 3: Analyze the pattern.
Based on the scatter plot, analyze the relationship between the x values and the y values.

In this case, let's plot the given values on a scatter plot:

(x,y) points:
(7,5), (2,26), (4,20), (5,15), (1,30), (6,12), (3,25)

Based on the scatter plot, we can see that the points are not forming a straight line. Instead, they seem to be scattered in a curved pattern. This indicates a nonlinear relationship between the x values and the y values.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
nonlinear relationship.