I need help writting a discussion on why the follow paragraph is effective including variety and rhythum of the author's writing:Individuals can be denied credit for a number of reasons. Individuals who are near limits on existing cards, have too much outstanding debt or too many accounts overall, have a history of late payments, charge-offs or bankruptcy are likely to be denied credit. Individuals denied credit, by law, will receive a letter documenting the reason for the denial under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Individuals who receive that letter should then examine the reasons for the denial and make efforts to correct their credit.

What is the first word of each sentence in that paragraph? What does that indicate to you?

To analyze the effectiveness of the paragraph in terms of variety and rhythm in the author's writing, we can break it down into several key elements: sentence structure, word choice, and overall flow.

1. Sentence Structure:
The paragraph exhibits a good variety of sentence structures, including simple, compound, and complex sentences. For example, the first sentence is a simple sentence, whereas the second sentence is a complex sentence. This variety keeps the reader engaged and adds a natural flow to the paragraph.

2. Word Choice:
The author uses a diverse range of words to convey the message effectively. Various terms related to credit and financial situations are employed, such as "existing cards," "outstanding debt," "late payments," "charge-offs," and "bankruptcy." This selection of specific vocabulary helps to communicate the topic clearly and underscores the author's knowledge of the subject matter.

3. Flow and Transition:
The paragraph has a logical flow, with each sentence building upon the previous one. The use of transition words, such as "Individuals who," "Individuals denied credit," and "Individuals who receive that letter," helps to establish continuity and coherence within the paragraph. These transitions guide the reader smoothly through the information and maintain a steady rhythm.

To write your discussion, you can elaborate on these points and provide specific examples from the paragraph to support your analysis. Additionally, you may want to consider how these elements contribute to the overall effectiveness of the writing, such as enhancing readability, conveying information concisely, and maintaining the reader's interest.