the number of students is 150 more than adults, the student tickets are $3 and adult tickets are $5 the total sales was 4730 how many students attended

im just looking for problem set up

number of adult -- x

number of students --- x+150


3x + 5(x+150) = 4730

685 students attended the fall play,


To find the number of students who attended, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of adults is x.

According to the problem, the number of students is 150 more than adults, so the number of students would be x + 150.

The cost of a student ticket is $3, and the cost of an adult ticket is $5.

So, the total sales from students would be (x + 150) * $3, and the total sales from adults would be x * $5.

The total sales from both students and adults is given as $4730.

Therefore, we can write the equation:

(x + 150) * $3 + x * $5 = $4730

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of x, which represents the number of adults.

3(x + 150) + 5x = 4730

3x + 450 + 5x = 4730

8x + 450 = 4730

8x = 4730 - 450

8x = 4280

x = 4280 / 8

x = 535

So, the number of adults is 535.

To find the number of students, we can substitute this value back into the equation:

Number of students = Number of adults + 150

Number of students = 535 + 150

Number of students = 685

Therefore, the number of students who attended is 685.