write a rule for the function of input(x) is 0,4,8,12 and output(y) is 5,7,9,11

a rule like an equation?

y= 3/5x + 5


Dee is correct,

for every increase of 4 in the x's the y's increase by 2
so slope = 2/4 = 1/2
so y = (1/2)x + b
but (0,5) is the y-intercept, so b=5

y = (1/2)x + 5

To find a rule for the function, we need to identify the pattern between the inputs (x) and the corresponding outputs (y).

Looking at the given data pairs:
Input (x): 0, 4, 8, 12
Output (y): 5, 7, 9, 11

We can see that the input values are increasing by 4 each time, so the pattern is an arithmetic sequence with a common difference of 4.

Now, to determine the rule, we observe that the output values (y) are obtained by adding 5 to the corresponding input values (x). Therefore, the rule for this function is:

Output (y) = Input (x) + 5

So, for any given input value (x), you can find the corresponding output value (y) by adding 5 to that input value.