in emission spectrum which one has a highest frequency and highest energy is it blue red or violet? which one is the lowest?

E = h*f. Is violet high frequency and red low frequency?

Blue never enters into it since the spectrum runs ROY G BIV so V is on one end and red on the other.


To determine which color in the emission spectrum has the highest frequency and highest energy, we need to understand the relationship between color, frequency, and energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

The electromagnetic spectrum consists of various types of electromagnetic waves, with increasing energy and frequency as you move from left to right. The visible light spectrum, which includes colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet, is only a small portion of this overall spectrum.

In the visible light spectrum, violet light has the highest frequency and energy. As you move from violet to blue and then to red, the frequency decreases, resulting in a lower energy level. Therefore, blue light has a higher frequency and energy compared to red light.

So, in summary:
- Violet light has the highest frequency and energy.
- Blue light has a higher frequency and energy compared to red light.

As for the color with the lowest frequency and energy, it would be the opposite of violet, which is red light. Red light has the lowest frequency and energy among the visible colors.

Remember, this information is specific to visible light. Frequencies and energies can vary for other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.