Which of the following is a factor that can help account for the great difference between Old English as we know it and Middle English as we know it?

Although there were possibly hundreds of dialects of both languages, we really only have a written record of a few of them.
The Old English we know and the Middle English we know did not develop from the same dialect.
With so few people able to read and write, communication in the language was almost entirely verbal. With no written standards, language changes very rapidly.
In the hundreds of years between our written records of Old English and Middle English, the language was influenced by both Norse and French associations.
With travel limited, the language (dialect) of even neighboring regions grew separately and differently.
All of the above. I think it's all of the above.

What did Henry II do that solidified his power as king but led to economic problems and help incite conflict with the church?
Executed all Bishops who were opposed to his rule.
Gave enormous financial gifts to the nobility to gain their support in his conflict with the church.
Built and rebuilt castles throughout the land.
Bribed corrupt Bishops to gain their support and divide the church.
All of the above. i think this is also all of the above.

Which of the following was a strategy Henry II used to help in his conflict with the church?
He bribed corrupt Bishops to have them follow him.
He bribed the Pope.
He had opposing churchmen executed.
He appointed an old friend and colleague to lead the church.

I'm pretty sure the last one is the answer.

Which of the following qualities are found in the play Everyman?
A theme of good v. evil
Allegorical figures
All of the above
I think the answer is d.

Which of the following is true of the opening lines of the Canterbury Tales?
The lines create a setting for later conflict between the major characters in the story.
The lines foreshadow coming stories by dropping hints of what will come.
The lines are not much more than a rough translation into English of the opening lines of Bocaccio's Decameron.
The lines suggest that the regenerative powers of the sun and the rebirth of spring are a fitting setting for a pilgrimage.
The lines closely follow the Latin tradition of using a bucolic setting to introduce a satiric writing, or satura. Chaucer uses the form of satura to make a subtle attack on corrupt members of the church, following the ideals of the Roman poet Horace, who said, "Satura tota nostre est!"
i think the answer is d.

The praise of the prioress in The Canterbury Tales is an example of
Elegiac writing
Third person omniscient narrative
Third Person limited narrative
Unreliable narrator
i am pretty sure the answer is a.

Which pilgrim develops a logical friendship with the Pardoner?
The Prioress
The Knight
The Host
The Narrator
The Summoner
the answer is e.

The Pardoner's Tale is an example of a(n)
I'm not really sure about this one, but I think it's c.

Thank you!

I did a google search on them already. I'm just asking so I can make sure about my answers. Thanks though.

Did your answers end up being correct?

For the question about the factors that contribute to the difference between Old English and Middle English, the correct answer is "All of the above." All of the listed factors played a role in shaping the differences between the two languages.

To answer the question about Henry II, the correct answer is also "All of the above." Henry II executed Bishops opposing his rule, gave financial gifts to the nobility, and built/rebuilt castles throughout the land, which solidified his power but also led to economic problems and conflict with the church.

Regarding the strategies Henry II used in his conflict with the church, the correct answer is not the last option. The answer is "He appointed an old friend and colleague to lead the church."

Moving on to the qualities found in the play Everyman, the correct answer is "All of the above." The play contains themes of good versus evil, allegorical figures, and didacticism.

In regard to the opening lines of the Canterbury Tales, the correct answer is "The lines suggest that the regenerative powers of the sun and the rebirth of spring are a fitting setting for a pilgrimage."

The praise of the prioress in The Canterbury Tales is an example of "Elegiac writing."

For the question about the pilgrim who develops a logical friendship with the Pardoner, the correct answer is "The Summoner."

The Pardoner's Tale is an example of an "Exemplum."

You're welcome!