A scale drawing of an office building is not labeled but indicates 1 / 3 inch = 4 feet. On the drawing one wall measures 4 and 2 / 3 inches. How long is the wall?

Is it possible to find out how long is the wall? The choices shown for the problem are: (a) 8 feet (b) 12 feet (c) 14 feet (d) 15 / 9 feet (e) None of these.

Because I had put down (e) none of these.

Cause i wasn't really sure

(1/3) / 4 = (14/3) / x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

25 feet x 35 feet

To find the length of the wall in the actual office building, we can use the scale given in the question, which is 1/3 inch = 4 feet.

First, we need to convert the measurement on the drawing to inches. The given measurement is 4 and 2/3 inches. To convert the mixed number to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number (4) by the denominator (3) and add the numerator (2). This gives us (4 * 3) + 2 = 14/3 inches.

Next, we can set up a proportion to find the length of the wall in the office building.

The proportion will be:

(Length on drawing in inches) / (Scale) = (Length in actual building in feet) / (1)

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

14/3 / (1/3) = x / 4

To solve for x (which represents the length of the wall in the actual building), we can cross multiply:

14/3 * 3/1 = x * 1/4

Simplifying, we get:

14/1 = x/4

Cross multiplying, we get:

4 * 14 = 1 * x

56 = x

Therefore, the length of the wall in the actual office building is 56 feet.