How to write a program to create a class roster using an array? The program prompts the teacher to enter student’s names and GPA values. Display the results.

array 8 dice program gpa

To write a program that creates a class roster using an array, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by defining a class called Student which will represent each student in the roster. The Student class should have attributes for the student's name (a string) and GPA (a float).

2. Create an array of Student objects to store the roster. The array should be of a fixed size, which you can specify based on the number of students in the class.

3. Prompt the teacher to enter the names and GPA values for each student in the class. You can use a loop to iterate through the array and prompt for input for each student. Within the loop, create a new Student object for each student and populate it with the entered values.

4. After taking input for each student, use another loop to display the class roster. Iterate through the array and print out the name and GPA for each student.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

class Student:
def __init__(self, name, gpa): = name
self.gpa = gpa

roster_size = int(input("Enter the number of students in the class: "))

roster = []
for i in range(roster_size):
name = input("Enter student name: ")
gpa = float(input("Enter student GPA: "))
student = Student(name, gpa)

print("Class Roster:")
for student in roster:
print(f"Name: {}, GPA: {student.gpa}")

In this example, we define the Student class with a constructor (__init__) that takes a name and GPA as arguments and initializes the object attributes. We then prompt the teacher for the number of students in the class, and based on that, we use a loop to prompt for each student's name and GPA, creating a new Student object for each student and adding it to the roster array. Finally, we use another loop to display the class roster by printing the name and GPA for each student.