I have 33 whole number observation data set. The five number set from the box and whisker plot is 16, 20, 22, 30, 46). How many observations are strictly less than 22(answer should be a ra nge of numbers)?

Is it possible that there is no observation equal to 22? Explain briefly.
How many observations are strictly less than 20? (answer should be a range of numbers)
is it possible that there is no observation equal to 20?

did you ever get the answers

To determine the number of observations that are strictly less than a certain value, you can refer to the given five-number summary from the box and whisker plot. The five numbers represent the minimum, first quartile (Q1), median (Q2), third quartile (Q3), and maximum values respectively. In this case, the five number summary provided is (16, 20, 22, 30, 46).

To find the number of observations strictly less than 22, we look at the second quartile (Q2) which represents the median. Since 22 is the value of Q2, all the observations less than 22 are below the median. The observations strictly less than 22 could range from the minimum value (16) all the way up to the value of Q2 excluding 22. Therefore, the range of numbers for the observations strictly less than 22 in this case is (16, 20) since it is exclusive of the value 22.

It is possible that there is no observation equal to 22, which is indicated by the fact that it is not included in the given five number set (16, 20, 22, 30, 46). This could be because the dataset does not contain any instances of the number 22.

Similarly, to find the number of observations strictly less than 20, we would look at the second number in the five-number summary which represents Q1. Since 20 is the value of Q1, all the observations less than 20 would be below the first quartile. The observations strictly less than 20 could range from the minimum value (16) up to the value of Q1 excluding 20. Therefore, the range of numbers for the observations strictly less than 20 in this case is (16).

Similarly to the explanation above, it is possible that there is no observation equal to 20, as it is not included in the given five number set (16, 20, 22, 30, 46). This suggests that there are no instances of the number 20 in the dataset.