Sandy writes (4*30)+(4*2) and says the quotient for 128/4 is 8 is she correct.explain

Yes I think she is right because 4×30 eqaul 120 and 4×2 eqaul 8 so 120+8 eqaul 128 so 128 ÷ 4 eqaul 8 so yes I think that Sandy is correct

Sandy's first expression, (4*30)+(4*2), involves multiplication and addition. We can simplify this expression step-by-step.

Step 1: Multiply 4 by 30.
4 * 30 = 120

Step 2: Multiply 4 by 2.
4 * 2 = 8

Step 3: Add the results from Step 1 and Step 2.
120 + 8 = 128

Therefore, (4*30)+(4*2) equals 128.

Now, let's move on to the second part of your question, which is the quotient of 128 divided by 4.

Step 1: Divide 128 by 4.
128 / 4 = 32

So, the correct quotient for 128 divided by 4 is 32, not 8. Therefore, Sandy is incorrect in stating that the quotient is 8.

To determine if Sandy is correct or not, let's break down the expression she wrote: (4*30)+(4*2).

First, simplify the multiplication within the parentheses:
(4*30) = 120
(4*2) = 8

Now, substitute the simplified values back into the expression:
(120) + (8)

Finally, perform the addition:
120 + 8 = 128

So, Sandy's expression simplifies to 128, which means she is correct in this case.

Now, let's move on to the second part of your question: Is the quotient for 128/4 equal to 8?
To determine if Sandy is correct, we can divide 128 by 4 using long division:

4 | 128
- 12

Therefore, the quotient of 128 divided by 4 is indeed 32, not 8. Sandy made an error in her statement.


4 * 30 = 120
4 * 2 = 8

128/4 = ?