i cant find how much the stock price (NYCE) for standard oil on black friday ( 1929) dropped?

can anyone sggest a site that has it... i couldn't find any sites that provide this information.

please help me! THANK YOU!!!

I found Standard Oil's prices for Monday through Wednesday of that week in 1929, but nothing for Friday.

can u send me the url please ... anything helps!!!


To find historical stock price information for Standard Oil on Black Friday in 1929, you'll need to consult reliable financial sources that provide historical stock market data. Here's how you can try to find this information:

1. Check financial databases: Several financial databases offer historical stock price data, such as Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, or Google Finance. However, these platforms typically have limited or no data available for stocks prior to the mid-20th century.

2. Visit the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) archives: The NYSE has an extensive archive, including historical stock prices. You can visit their website or contact their historical research department to inquire about Standard Oil's stock price on Black Friday in 1929. They might have the information you need, but keep in mind that access to such data could require a subscription or fee.

3. Consult specialized financial libraries or institutions: Some libraries or financial institutions may have access to historical stock market records. Researching in-person or contacting them online could potentially assist you in finding the desired information.

4. Explore historical newspapers and publications: Newspapers from that era often documented significant events, including stock market crashes. You can search through digital archives of newspapers from the 1929 period to check if any published articles mention the stock price drop for Standard Oil.

It's important to note that obtaining precise information about the stock price drop on Black Friday in 1929 may be challenging. The availability of historical stock data prior to the 20th century can be limited, and specific intraday stock prices from that time might not be readily accessible.