copyright law allows for which of the following

What following???

Ha. Copyright law does allow copying nothing, as much as you wish.

Repost..type the choices.

Copyright law allows for several rights and protections for creators of original works. Some of the following are included:

1. Reproduction right: This gives the copyright holder the exclusive right to make copies of their work. It means that others cannot reproduce, duplicate, or copy the copyrighted material without permission.

2. Distribution right: Copyright holders have the right to control the distribution of their work, which includes selling, renting, or otherwise distributing copies to the public.

3. Public performance right: This gives copyright holders the exclusive right to publicly perform their work, such as in a theater, concert, or broadcast. It also includes digital performances, like streaming or online performances.

4. Public display right: Copyright holders have the right to publicly display their work, which includes exhibiting or showcasing it in a physical or digital form.

5. Derivative work right: This allows copyright holders to control the creation of new works based on their original work. For example, if a novel is copyrighted, the author has the right to control the creation of a film adaptation.

6. Moral rights: These are additional rights granted to authors or creators, protecting their honor, integrity, and reputation by allowing them to control decisions related to modifications, attribution, or removing their name from their work.

These rights generally apply to creative works such as books, music, films, paintings, sculptures, photographs, computer programs, and other original expressions that meet the requirements for copyright protection. However, it's important to note that copyright law may vary depending on the country.