Use x2prk formula to find the percentile rank of 84

To use the X2PRK formula to find the percentile rank of 84, you will need to know the data set or sample size along with the position or rank of the target value (84) within that data set. The X2PRK formula calculates the percentile rank based on the position of the target value and the total number of values in the data set.

Here's the X2PRK formula:

Percentile Rank = (Position - 0.5) / Total Number of Values

To find the percentile rank of 84, follow these steps:

1. Obtain the data set or sample in which 84 is included.

2. Determine the position or rank of 84 within the data set. For example, if 84 is the 30th value in a data set of 100 values, the position would be 30.

3. Calculate the percentile rank using the X2PRK formula:
Percentile Rank = (30 - 0.5) / 100 = 29.5 / 100

The resulting value will give you the percentile rank of 84 within the data set. In this case, it would be 0.295 or 29.5%.