The figure below shows a room which is h = 8.5 feet tall and r = 14.5 feet wide. Attached to the ceiling is a piece of glass (with unknown index of refraction) which is 3.9 feet thick. A laser pointer in the bottom left corner is aimed so that the ray which reflects off the glass hits the room's bottom right corner.

To find the index of refraction of the glass, we can use Snell's law. Snell's law relates the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction when light passes through a boundary between two different mediums.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Determine the incident angle
Since the laser pointer ray hits the bottom right corner after reflecting off the glass, we need to find the angle at which it initially hits the glass. We can use the properties of similar triangles to calculate this angle.

In the given figure, the distance from the laser pointer to the bottom left corner is 8.5 feet, the height of the room. This height is also the hypotenuse of a right triangle formed with the incident ray and the height of the room.

By using trigonometry, we can calculate the incident angle as follows:
sin(θ) = Opposite / Hypotenuse = h / r
sin(θ) = 8.5 / 14.5
θ = arcsin(8.5 / 14.5)

Step 2: Determine the angle of refraction
To apply Snell's law, we need to find the angle of refraction when the light passes from the glass back into the air. Snell's law states that the ratio of the sine of the incident angle to the sine of the refracted angle is equal to the ratio of the indices of refraction.

Let's assume the index of refraction of air is n_air and the index of refraction of the glass is n_glass.

sin(θ_air) / sin(θ_glass) = n_glass / n_air

The angle of refraction (θ_glass) should be such that the ray hits the bottom right corner of the room. This angle can be calculated using trigonometry similar to Step 1.

Step 3: Calculate the index of refraction
We can rearrange Snell's law to solve for the unknown index of refraction (n_glass) of the glass.

n_glass = (n_air * sin(θ_air)) / sin(θ_glass)

By substituting the known values of the incident angle (θ_air) and the refracted angle (θ_glass), we can find the index of refraction of the unknown glass.

Note: To solve the problem completely, we need the value of the angle of incidence (θ_air). You provided the dimensions of the room, but the actual angle is needed for the calculation. Without this information, we cannot provide a specific numerical answer.