Sketch, label, and mark each figure.

Rhombus RHOM with acute <H

When you post a question, it is to your advantage to post a complete question.

If there is a figure (as in this case), realize that tutors do not see your figure, so you'd have to either post a link where you uploaded the figure.

If that is not possible, you could describe in words what the figure looks like.

After writing the description, close the book and try to recreate the figure by yourself from your own description. If you cannot do it, neither can the tutors.

what does shorter diagonal mean

To sketch, label, and mark each figure, we follow these steps for the given rhombus RHOM with acute angle H:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line segment. This will be the base of the rhombus, so let's label the endpoints as point R and point M.

2. Draw another line segment from the midpoint of line segment RM and perpendicular to it. This will be the height of the rhombus. Label the intersection of this line segment with line RM as point O.

3. Now, draw a line segment RA perpendicular to line RM from point R. Similarly, draw a line segment MO perpendicular to line RM from point M.

4. The line segments RA, RM, MO, and RM are now the sides of the rhombus. Label the points of intersection between these line segments as A, B, and C.

5. Finally, draw line segments connecting points A, B, C, and H. Label point H as the acute angle inside the rhombus.

Now, your sketch should represent a rhombus RHOM with an acute angle <H.