John's father works in Franklin. It is 39 miles from Franklin to his home. If he leaves work at 7:20 P.M.and travels an average speed of 43 m/hr., at what time will he get home?

Please explain.

Distance = rate * time

39 miles is the "Distance" from Franklin to his home, and 43 m/hr is his "rate" of travel. You are trying to figure out the "time" it takes for him to get home traveling at this "Distance" and "rate".

Switch the Distance formula around for "time" and plug the numbers in:

time = Distance/rate
time = 39 miles/43 mph
time = .09 hours

Woops. I accidentally wrote .09 instead of .907

However, the actual answer is just the result of the distance divided by the rate (aka whatever 39/43 is).

To find out at what time John's father will get home, we need to calculate the time it will take him to travel the distance from Franklin to his home.

First, we need to determine the time it takes to travel 1 mile at an average speed of 43 m/hr. To do this, we divide the distance (39 miles) by the speed (43 m/hr):

Time to travel 1 mile = Distance / Speed
Time to travel 1 mile = 39 miles / 43 m/hr

Using a calculator, we find that it takes approximately 0.907 hours to travel 1 mile.

Next, we multiply the time to travel 1 mile by the total distance to find the total travel time:

Total travel time = Time to travel 1 mile × Distance
Total travel time = 0.907 hours/mile × 39 miles

Again, using a calculator, we find that the total travel time is approximately 35.373 hours.

Now, we need to add the travel time to the starting time (7:20 PM) to get the arrival time. For this, convert the travel time to minutes and add it to the minutes component of the starting time:

Travel time (in minutes) = Total travel time × 60 minutes/hour
Travel time (in minutes) = 35.373 hours × 60 minutes/hour

After calculations, we find that the travel time is approximately 2122 minutes.

To determine the arrival time, we add the travel time to the starting time:

Arrival time = Starting time + Travel time
Arrival time = 7:20 PM + 2122 minutes

We can now convert the arrival time back to a standard 12-hour clock format.

Therefore, John's father will get home at approximately 6:42 AM the next day.