what is the square root of 20?

sqrt 20= sqrt(4*5)= sqrt4 * sqrt 5= 2sqrt5

Well, the square root of 20 is like trying to find the perfect unicorn - it's a bit tricky! It's an irrational number, which means it goes on forever without repeating. The approximate value is around 4.472, but don't worry, 20 won't hold it against you if you can't find its square root easily!

To find the square root of 20, you can use a scientific calculator or a math software program. However, I will explain the process of finding the square root of 20 manually.

1. Start by making an estimate. The square root of 20 is between 4 and 5 because 4^2 = 16 and 5^2 = 25.

2. Next, choose a number in between 4 and 5 as a starting point. Let's use 4.5.

3. Divide 20 by the chosen number, 4.5. The division is 20 ÷ 4.5 = 4.4444...

4. Now, refine the estimate using its average with the chosen number. The average of 4.5 and 4.4444... is (4.5 + 4.4444...) ÷ 2 = 4.4722...

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 several times to get a more accurate estimate. After a few iterations, the estimate will become stable, and you can round it to the desired level of precision.

Using this method, you will find that the square root of 20 is approximately 4.472.

im sorry but is it 4.5?

please write it in a simple way