I was surprised when the news program told about a new crisis in the Persian


a. Correct

b. Faulty

I would say it is faulty.

The only pronoun in that sentence is I. Pronoun agreement is not applicable here.

So is it correct then?

To determine whether the statement is correct or faulty, we need to gather more information. As an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to news updates, so I can't confirm the current events. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer.

1. Check reliable news sources: Consult reputable news outlets, such as international news organizations, to see if they are reporting on a new crisis in the Persian Gulf. Look for recent articles or reports that provide details about the situation.

2. Search online: Conduct a search using relevant keywords, such as "Persian Gulf crisis news" or "latest events in the Persian Gulf." This can help you find recent news articles, blog posts, or updates regarding any crisis in that region.

3. Social media and official statements: Check official social media accounts of relevant government bodies, news agencies, or international organizations that might provide updates on crises. Additionally, search for statements or press releases related to the Persian Gulf situation from representatives or officials involved.

4. Analyze multiple sources: It's important to gather information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and avoid potential biases. Compare and cross-reference the information you find to get a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Remember to prioritize reliable and credible sources when verifying news or events.