which of these word groups are punctuated correctly, it rained every day of our vacation nevertheless we had a wonderful time

First of all, please type sentences as sentences: include correct capitalization and punctuation.

Please repost when you're ready.

is this sentence punctuated correctly? where does puncating marks go? It rained everyday of our vaction, nevertheless; we had a wonderful time

what does unnecessary shift in person or number means

The correct punctuated version of the word group you provided is:

"It rained every day of our vacation; nevertheless, we had a wonderful time."

To determine the correct punctuation, we can break down the sentence and focus on a few key elements:

1. Capitalization: The sentence begins with a capital letter, "It." This is correct.

2. Comma before the coordinating conjunction: Since there is a coordinating conjunction ("nevertheless") joining the two independent clauses ("It rained every day of our vacation" and "we had a wonderful time"), a comma is needed before "nevertheless."

3. Semicolon between related clauses: To emphasize the relationship between the two independent clauses, a semicolon is used instead of a comma. In this case, a semicolon separates "It rained every day of our vacation" from "nevertheless, we had a wonderful time."

4. Capitalization after a semicolon: The word that follows a semicolon doesn't need to be capitalized unless it starts a proper noun or a complete sentence. Therefore, "nevertheless" does not require capitalization after the semicolon in this context.

5. Capitalization after a coordinating conjunction: The word following a coordinating conjunction, such as "nevertheless," is not capitalized unless it starts a proper noun or a complete sentence. Therefore, "we" is not capitalized in this case.

By following these rules, the correct punctuation for the word group is: "It rained every day of our vacation; nevertheless, we had a wonderful time."