Did I describe the meaning of this formula correctly, P(x)=12x+10,000? That it is the base amount which is added on to get this result. In other words, by operating generates 10,000. no matter how long it is continued.

No, your description of the meaning of the formula P(x) = 12x + 10,000 is not accurate.

In this formula, P(x) represents the value or amount that you get as a result of operating or performing a calculation on a given value x. The formula itself states that the value P(x) is obtained by multiplying x by 12 and then adding 10,000 to the result.

It does not mean that the result will always be 10,000, regardless of the value of x. The value of P(x) will vary depending on the value you substitute for x. For example, if you substitute x = 0 into the formula, you will get P(0) = 12(0) + 10,000 = 10,000. But if you substitute x = 5 into the formula, you will get P(5) = 12(5) + 10,000 = 10,060.

So, the formula describes a linear relationship between x and P(x), where the value of P(x) is determined by multiplying x by 12 and then adding 10,000.

No, you didn't describe the meaning of the formula correctly. The formula P(x) = 12x + 10,000 represents a linear function, where "x" is the input variable and "P(x)" is the output, or the result.

In this formula, 10,000 is not the "base amount" that is added on. Instead, it is the initial amount, often called the "y-intercept" or the value of P(x) when x is equal to 0. In this case, when x is 0, the value of P(x) would be 10,000.

The term 12x represents the variable part of the formula. It means that for each unit increase in x, the value of P(x) increases by 12. So, if x were 1, the value of P(x) would be 10,012 ($10,000 + $12), if x were 2, the value of P(x) would be 10,024 ($10,000 + 2*$12), and so on.

To understand the meaning of the formula, you need to know what "x" represents. It could represent anything depending on the context. For example, if x represents the number of hours worked, then P(x) could represent the total payment earned after working x hours, where 10,000 is the initial payment and 12 is the rate per hour.