Solve for S: r^2s-5s=7. Solve for b: L= 4a^2b. I'm confused about how to solve these problems. Could someone show me the steps?

s (r^2-5) = 7

now solve for s by dividing both sides by (r^2-5)

b = L/(4 a^2)

Thank you!

Sure! I can help you with that. Let's start with the equation r^2s - 5s = 7 and solve for s.

Step 1: Factor out s from both terms on the left side of the equation:
s(r^2 - 5) = 7

Step 2: Divide both sides of the equation by (r^2 - 5):
s = 7 / (r^2 - 5)

So the solution for s is s = 7 / (r^2 - 5).

Now let's move on to solving the equation L = 4a^2b for b.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by 4a^2:
L / 4a^2 = b

So the solution for b is b = L / 4a^2.

Remember, when solving an equation for a specific variable, the key is to isolate that variable on one side of the equation by performing the necessary operations.