When exactly was the Gustov Line broken? A lot of websites say " over a 4 day perios." Could someone please help me find the actual date. Thanks


Scroll down to May 16. Does that help?


This site discusses the battle for the Gustav (note spelling) Line in detail. The Allies started the attack on May 11. You can read the details and figure out when the Line was officially broken.


I don't see when it ended :S

Monte Casino was captured on May 18 -- so the battle took place between May 11 and May 18. Battles often take several days -- with fighting back and forth -- before one side captures the territory.

To find the actual date when the Gustav Line was broken, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for reliable sources related to the topic. These could include historical books, academic articles, or trusted online resources like official government websites or reputable news organizations.

2. Use specific keywords in your search to narrow down the results. In this case, try searching for "Gustav Line breaking date," "Gustav Line World War II," or "Gustav Line battle dates."

3. Skim through the search results and look for sources that provide specific details about the exact date when the Gustav Line was broken. Pay attention to reputable sources and try to find multiple sources that mention the same date for better verification.

4. Visit the websites or access the relevant books or articles to obtain the exact date. Most reliable sources will provide specific details about historical events, including dates.

5. If you are unable to find a specific date from online sources, consider reaching out to experts in the field who may be able to provide more information. This could include historians, academic institutions, or military historians who specialize in World War II.

Remember, it is important to consider the credibility and reliability of the sources you consult to ensure accurate information.