I need to find the absolute value:;

1 |-2+5|

2 |5| +4

3 |-5| +4

4 |5+2|

5 |3 - 7|
here are my answers:
1) 3
2) 9
3) 1
4) 7
5) 4

can you pls help me i think # 1 is wrong maybe it should be : 7 and

number 3 should be : 9

and number 5 should be ; -4

To find the absolute value of a number, we need to determine its distance from zero on the number line. If the number is positive, its absolute value will be the same as the original number. If the number is negative, we ignore the negative sign and consider its positive value.

Now, let's solve the given expressions:

1) |-2 + 5|
To find |-2 + 5|, we first evaluate the expression inside the absolute value:

|-2 + 5| = |3|

The expression inside the absolute value is 3, which is already positive, so the answer is 3.

2) |5| + 4
To find |5| + 4, we first evaluate the expression inside the first absolute value:

|5| = 5

Now we add 4 to the absolute value of 5:

5 + 4 = 9

The answer is 9.

3) |-5| + 4
To find |-5| + 4, we first evaluate the expression inside the absolute value:

|-5| = 5

Now we add 4 to the absolute value of -5 (which is 5):

5 + 4 = 9

The answer is 9.

4) |5 + 2|
To find |5 + 2|, we first evaluate the expression inside the absolute value:

|5 + 2| = |7|

The expression inside the absolute value is 7, which is already positive, so the answer is 7.

5) |3 - 7|
To find |3 - 7|, we first evaluate the expression inside the absolute value:

|3 - 7| = |-4|

The expression inside the absolute value is -4, but we only consider its positive value:

|-4| = 4

The answer is 4.