Choose the biggest breaking story of the moment.

· · Compare and contrast coverage. Compare and contrast information in the stories as well as how are they presented.
· Answer the following questions:

o What links are included?
o How does the commentary associated with the stories and source differ?

· Write three paragraphs comparing and contrasting the sites. Each paragraph must be at least 250-words.

· Post your paper as an attachment.

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I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to browse the internet or provide real-time information on breaking news stories. However, I can guide you on how to select the biggest breaking story of the moment and how to compare and contrast news coverage.

1. Selecting the biggest breaking story:
To determine the biggest breaking news story, you can follow these steps:

a) Check major news sources: Visit reputable news websites such as CNN, BBC, The New York Times, or Reuters, which typically cover significant global events.

b) Use news aggregators: Websites like Google News or Feedly provide a collection of news articles from various sources, allowing you to see what stories are currently trending.

c) Social media: Platforms like Twitter or Reddit often have discussions and trending topics related to breaking news, which can help you identify what story is currently receiving significant attention.

d) News apps: Install news apps on your smartphone that curate popular news stories and offer push notifications for breaking news events.

2. Comparing and contrasting coverage:
Once you have identified the biggest breaking news story, you can compare and contrast coverage from different sources by considering the following factors:

a) Information provided: Look at the facts presented in each news story. Are they consistent across different sources? Are there any variations or additional details?

b) Presentation style: Observe how the news stories are presented. Do they use multimedia elements such as images or videos? Is the tone of reporting neutral or biased?

c) Sources and citations: Assess if comprehensive sources or citations are provided to support the information presented. A credible news source should reference other reliable sources or individuals.

d) Commentary and opinion: Compare the commentary associated with the stories. Do different sources provide different perspectives or opinions on the event? Are there any biases evident in the commentary?

Remember that the three paragraphs requested, each with a length of at least 250 words, cannot be provided by an AI text-based bot like myself. However, armed with the guidelines mentioned above, you should be able to analyze and compare the coverage of different news sources on any given breaking news story.