Eggplants in Thailand are 1.24 baht per kilogram, where one dollar is worth 1.37 baht. What is the price of eggplants in dollars per pound?

1.24baht/kg * 1kg/2.2lb*1dollar/1.37 baht

= 1.24/(2.2*1.37)= ?

To convert the price of eggplants in Thailand from baht per kilogram to dollars per pound, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the price of eggplants in baht per pound
The price of eggplants in Thailand is 1.24 baht per kilogram.
To find the price per pound, we need to convert from kilograms to pounds.
Since there are 2.205 pounds in a kilogram, we divide the price in baht per kilogram by 2.205:
1.24 baht per kilogram ÷ 2.205 = 0.5612 baht per pound

Step 2: Convert the price from baht to dollars
Given that one dollar is worth 1.37 baht, we can convert the price from baht to dollars by dividing the price in baht per pound by the exchange rate:
0.5612 baht per pound ÷ 1.37 baht per dollar = 0.4093 dollars per pound

Therefore, the price of eggplants in Thailand is approximately 0.4093 dollars per pound.

To find the price of eggplants in dollars per pound, we need to convert the price from baht per kilogram to dollars per pound. Here's how we can do that:

1. Convert the price from baht per kilogram to baht per pound:
Since there are approximately 2.20462 pounds in a kilogram, we can multiply the price in baht per kilogram by this conversion factor.

1.24 baht/kg * (1 kilogram / 2.20462 pounds) = 0.5627 baht/pound

2. Convert the price from baht per pound to dollars per pound:
We can use the exchange rate of 1 dollar = 1.37 baht to convert the price from baht to dollars.

0.5627 baht/pound * (1 dollar / 1.37 baht) = 0.4106 dollars/pound

Therefore, the price of eggplants in Thailand is approximately 0.41 dollars per pound.