Which of the following BEST describes the theory of natural selection?

What are choices. Wfyi don't trust ms. Sue

Yea I wouldn't trust her at all too!

The theory of natural selection is a fundamental concept in the field of biology and is often associated with Charles Darwin's work on evolution. It explains how species evolve and adapt to their environment over time. Natural selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population due to the differential survival and reproduction of individuals with those traits.

To determine which of the following options BEST describes the theory of natural selection, we need to evaluate each one:

1. The theory that organisms are created with specific traits that ensure their survival.
2. The theory that species change gradually over time.
3. The theory that survival is based solely on individual strength and power.
4. The theory that species adapt and evolve to their environment through the process of selective breeding.

Analyzing each option:

1. The theory that organisms are created with specific traits that ensure their survival: This option is not accurate. Natural selection is based on random genetic variations rather than pre-determined traits. It does not involve the concept of creation or design.
2. The theory that species change gradually over time: This option is partially correct. Natural selection is responsible for the gradual change of species over generations. However, it does not encompass the entirety of the theory.
3. The theory that survival is based solely on individual strength and power: This option is not accurate. While fitness and adaptability are important factors in natural selection, they also depend on various other factors like genetic variation, environmental pressures, and competition.
4. The theory that species adapt and evolve to their environment through the process of selective breeding: This option is not accurate. Selective breeding is a human-driven process, whereas natural selection is a natural phenomenon that operates independently of human intervention.

Based on the analysis, the option that BEST describes the theory of natural selection is:
2. The theory that species change gradually over time.
However, it should be noted that natural selection encompasses more than just gradual change, as it involves genetic variations, environmental factors, and differential reproduction.
