Calculate the value of the following in exponential form, using standard scientific or "e" notation (for example, 105 = 1.05e2). Enter your answer with the correct number of significant figures.

885.75 g + 10.151 g - 25.50 g

Add and subtract on your calculator and round the answer to two places after the decimal point. The .75 from the first one and .50 from the last one limits you to two places to the right of the decimal.

To calculate the value of the expression 885.75 g + 10.151 g - 25.50 g in exponential form and with the correct number of significant figures, follow these steps:

1. Add the three quantities together: 885.75 g + 10.151 g - 25.50 g = 870.401 g.

2. Determine the significant figures in the original values:
- 885.75 has five significant figures (all nonzero digits are significant).
- 10.151 has four significant figures (all nonzero digits are significant).
- 25.50 has four significant figures (all nonzero digits and trailing zeros after the decimal point are significant).

3. Identify the smallest number of decimal places in the original values:
- 885.75 has two decimal places.
- 10.151 has three decimal places.
- 25.50 has two decimal places.

4. Round the final sum to the smallest number of decimal places (two decimal places).
- 870.401 rounded to two decimal places becomes 870.40.

5. Express the final value in exponential or "e" notation:
870.40 g = 8.7040e2 g.

Therefore, the value of the expression 885.75 g + 10.151 g - 25.50 g in exponential form with the correct number of significant figures is 8.7040e2 g.