I have to write a thesis for the book Les Enfants d'Izieu and I am struggling to come up with something. Can anyone give me suggestions or ideas?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Your thesis will depend upon what it is you wish to say or proove. This is another atrocity of World War II, against the Jews, specifically 44 children who were exterminated along with their teachers. Are you writing this in French or English? There is a museum dedicated to these children.


I am writing it in French. I'm not really sure what to prove or disprove.

Les vies d'enfants de Forty-four ont été emportées déraisonnablement dans holocauste.

Certainly! I can help you generate some ideas for your thesis on the book Les Enfants d'Izieu. To start, let's analyze the main themes and elements of the book. Les Enfants d'Izieu is a non-fiction account of the tragic events that took place during World War II when 44 Jewish children were arrested and deported from a French village called Izieu.

1. The Holocaust and its impact: You could explore how the book portrays the Holocaust and its devastating consequences, focusing on the personal stories of the children and the witnesses.

2. Memory and remembrance: Analyze the importance of memory and remembrance in the book. Discuss how the surviving children and the community in Izieu work to keep the memory of the victims alive.

3. Courage and resistance: Explore the acts of bravery and resistance shown in the book. Discuss the efforts made to protect and hide Jewish children during a time of intense persecution.

4. Historical context and responsibility: Discuss the historical context of the events and the responsibility of individuals and society in preventing such atrocities.

5. Trauma and healing: Analyze the psychological effects of the Holocaust on the survivors and those closely involved, as depicted in the book. Discuss the process of healing and recovery.

Remember, developing a strong thesis statement goes beyond summarizing the book. It should present a clear argument or perspective that you will explore throughout your essay. You can choose one of the themes mentioned above or combine them to create a unique thesis statement that reflects your own analysis of the book.