I ask because my TA recommended taking it next semester along with calc 3.

My major is electrical engineering, and I might throw actuarial science into the mix too. So yeah, lots of math.

That's great! Taking Calculus III alongside Differential Equations can definitely complement your studies in electrical engineering and actuarial science. Differential Equations is a branch of mathematics that deals with the behavior of functions and their derivatives. It is an essential tool in physics, engineering, and various other fields.

To get more information about the content of the Differential Equations course and its relevance to your academics, you can follow these steps:

1. Consult your university's course catalog or department website: Start by looking up the course description for Differential Equations. This will provide an overview of topics covered, prerequisites, and its application in different fields.

2. Reach out to your TA: Since your TA recommended taking the course, they may have insights into how Differential Equations will benefit you in your major. They can provide personal experiences or recommend resources to help you succeed in the course.

3. Talk to professors or advisors: Schedule a meeting with professors or advisors in the electrical engineering and actuarial science departments. They can guide you on the relevance of Differential Equations for specific courses in your major and future career prospects.

4. Research online: Explore online resources, such as academic websites, forums, or even YouTube tutorials, to gain a broader understanding of the subject matter and its applications. There are also open online courses available, like those offered by platforms like Coursera or edX, where you can explore the course materials and see if it aligns with your interests and goals.

By following these steps, you will be able to gather more information about the benefits and importance of taking Differential Equations in your academic journey.