who first told Nixon about Watergate?

The information about who first told President Nixon about the Watergate scandal can be found in various historical sources. To get the answer, we can check books, articles, interviews, or primary documents related to the Watergate scandal.

You can start by searching for books specifically written about Watergate or Nixon's presidency. Look for reputable sources written by historians or journalists who extensively researched the topic. Once you find a relevant book, you can search for the specific event or person who first informed Nixon about the Watergate scandal within the book's index or table of contents.

Similarly, you can explore articles from reputable news outlets or academic journals that discuss Watergate or Nixon's presidency. Many articles provide references or citations for their information, which can lead you to the original source that revealed who informed Nixon about Watergate.

Another valuable resource is interviews with key individuals involved in the Watergate scandal, such as journalists, politicians, or members of Nixon's administration. These interviews might have been conducted at the time of the scandal or later during retrospective coverage. They can provide firsthand accounts and insights into who first informed Nixon about Watergate.

Lastly, primary documents like memos, transcripts, or recordings related to Watergate can offer direct evidence. The National Archives in the United States holds a significant collection of documents related to Watergate, including the infamous White House tapes.

By consulting these various sources and conducting thorough research, you should be able to uncover the information about who first told Nixon about the Watergate scandal.