I need to know how to work this math problem: 3n + (-7) -5n +1

3n + (-7) -5n +1

3n - 5n + 6

-2n + 6

Like Ms. Sue showed, you need to combine like terms.


You cannot combine -2n and -6 so the answer would be -2n-6.


To simplify the expression 3n + (-7) - 5n + 1, you can follow these steps:

1. Combine the like terms (terms with the same variable raised to the same power). In this case, the terms are 3n and -5n. Adding them together, we get -2n.

So far, the expression becomes: -2n + (-7) + 1

2. Simplify the constants. In this case, -7 and 1 can be added to get -6.

Now, the expression simplifies to: -2n - 6

Therefore, the simplified form of 3n + (-7) - 5n + 1 is -2n - 6.