Determine whether the numerical value is a parameter or a statistic? In a phone survey of 100 random homes in a country, 21 families had garages.

Is this a parameter because the data set of 100 random homes is a population?
Is this a statistic, because the data set of 100 random homes is a sample?

Parameters are measures on the total population that you are considering (all the subjects have been measured), while statistics are measures on a portion of the population.

Would you be generalizing to all homes in that country?


Statistic, because the data set of 100 random homes is a sample


To determine whether the numerical value is a parameter or a statistic, we need to understand the definitions of each term.

A parameter is a numerical value that describes a characteristic of a population. In this case, the population would be all the homes in the country.

A statistic is a numerical value that describes a characteristic of a sample. A sample is a subset of the population that is used to infer information about the whole population.

In the given scenario, a phone survey was conducted on 100 random homes in the country. Since the data set includes only a subset of the population (100 random homes), the numerical value (21 families with garages) would be considered a statistic.

It is important to note that if the survey included information on all the homes in the country, then the numerical value would be a parameter. In that case, the data set of 100 random homes would be the population.