Simpson drives his car with an average velocity of 45.1 km/h to the east.

How long will it take him to drive 153 km
on a straight highway?
Answer in units of h

To find the time it will take for Simpson to drive 153 km, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Velocity

Given that Simpson's average velocity is 45.1 km/h, and the distance to be traveled is 153 km, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Time = 153 km / 45.1 km/h

To find the time in units of hours, we divide the distance by the velocity:

Time = 153 km / 45.1 km/h ≈ 3.389 hours

Therefore, it will take Simpson approximately 3.389 hours (rounded to three decimal places) to drive 153 km on a straight highway.