Which of the following will result in a chemical change?

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To determine which of the following options will result in a chemical change, we need to understand what a chemical change is. A chemical change, also known as a chemical reaction, involves the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different properties.

Now, let's examine the given options and identify any potential chemical changes:

1. Melting ice: Melting ice is a physical change because it is a phase transition from solid to liquid state, where the water molecules remain chemically unchanged.

2. Dissolving salt in water: Dissolving salt in water is a physical change. Although the salt molecules disperse throughout the water, no new substances are formed; the salt ions remain chemically unchanged.

3. Burning wood: Burning wood is a chemical change. It involves the combustion of wood where heat, light, and new substances (such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and ash) are produced. This rearrangement of atoms results in the formation of new compounds.

Based on the explanations, option 3, "Burning wood," will result in a chemical change.