How much NaC3H5O3 (in grams) is needed to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer’s lactate


To calculate the amount of NaC3H5O3 (Sodium Lactate) needed to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer's lactate solution, we need to know the concentration of NaC3H5O3 in the solution.

Ringer's lactate solution typically contains 1.3-1.8% NaC3H5O3. Let's assume a concentration of 1.5% NaC3H5O3 in this case.

To determine the amount of NaC3H5O3, we need to consider the volume (in ml) and concentration of the solution. First, we convert the volume from ml to liters:

1000 ml ÷ 1000 = 1 liter

Next, we calculate the desired amount of NaC3H5O3 using the concentration:

1.5% NaC3H5O3 = 1.5 grams of NaC3H5O3 per 100 ml of solution

1 liter × (1.5 grams/100 ml) = 15 grams of NaC3H5O3

Therefore, 15 grams of NaC3H5O3 is needed to create a 1000 ml volume of Ringer's lactate solution with a concentration of 1.5% NaC3H5O3.