(-2x2y)3 * (5xy3)2

*I don't get this on at all!!!

Are there any exponents in this one? If so, repost showing the caret to indicate the exponent.

oh sorry I forget to do that.LOL!Here it is now:
(-2x^2y)^3 * (5xy^3)^2

Are there any exponents in this one? If so, repost showing the caret to indicate the exponent.


slope 5;y-intercept: (0, -2)


To simplify the expression (-2x^2y)^3 * (5xy^3)^2, we can apply the properties of exponents and the rules of multiplication.

First, let's simplify the expressions inside the parentheses:

(-2x^2y)^3 = (-2)^3 * (x^2)^3 * y^3 = -8x^6y^3

(5xy^3)^2 = (5)^2 * (x)^2 * (y^3)^2 = 25x^2y^6

Now, we can multiply these simplified expressions:

(-8x^6y^3) * (25x^2y^6) = -8 * 25 * x^6 * x^2 * y^3 * y^6 = -200x^8y^9

Therefore, the simplified expression is -200x^8y^9.

Moving on to the next question:

To find the slope and y-intercept of the equation y = 5x - 2, we can compare it to the standard form of the equation for a line: y = mx + b, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.

In the equation y = 5x - 2, the coefficient of x, 5, represents the slope. Therefore, the slope of the line is 5.

The y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis. In this equation, the constant term -2 represents the y-intercept. So, the y-intercept is (0, -2). This means that when x = 0, the corresponding y-value is -2.