Which countries does the North European Plain run through?


You will have to do a little bit of research, here is a hint:

in the entry entitled North European Plain
"major reference (in European Plain (plain, Europe): Physiography)
...all of western and northern France, Belgium, The Netherlands, southern Scandinavia, northern Germany, and nearly all of Poland; from northern France and Belgium eastward it commonly is called the North European Plain. In the east the plain generally is called the East European, or Russian, Plain."


Nope. Check out this article.


Bryce -- what is the source of your quotation?

The North European Plain is a vast plain that stretches across several countries in northern Europe. To find out which countries the North European Plain runs through, we can utilize a few steps:

1. First, let's ensure we have a basic understanding of the North European Plain. The North European Plain is a large lowland area that covers a significant part of northern Europe. It extends across several countries and is characterized by fertile soils and relatively flat terrain.

2. Next, let's refer to a map of Europe. By looking at a map, we can visually identify the countries that the North European Plain crosses.

3. Start by locating Belarus on the map. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe and is one of the countries that the North European Plain runs through.

4. Moving westward, we then come across Poland. Poland is another country that the North European Plain goes through.

5. Continuing further west, we reach Germany. However, the North European Plain doesn't extend into Germany, so we exclude it from our list.

6. Next, we come to the Netherlands. Although the Netherlands is relatively flat, the North European Plain doesn't extend that far west, so we exclude it as well.

7. Continuing eastward, we then come across Russia. A significant portion of the North European Plain lies within Russian territory.

Therefore, based on this analysis, the countries that the North European Plain runs through are Belarus, Poland, and Russia. The countries you mentioned (Bulgaria, Croatia, and Macedonia) are not part of the North European Plain.