Here is my writing prompt:

"Give a written description of the Titanic before it sank. What made the ship so magnificent? Describe, in detail (step by step), how the ship ultimately sank."

I need help forming a thesis statement and an outline to follow. I also need links to help me get information for the essay.

First you need to read about the Titanic and take notes on what you've read. Study these sites.

Then, you can form your thesis statement and outline the points you'll use to support your thesis.

Thesis Statement: The Titanic, a marvel of engineering and luxury, had captivated the world with its grandeur, unparalleled amenities, and technological advancements. However, a tragic chain of events, including insufficient safety measures, navigational errors, and the ship's collision with an iceberg, ultimately led to its fateful sinking.

I. Introduction
A. Provide an engaging overview of the Titanic's significance and its tragic sinking.
B. State the thesis statement.

II. Description of the Titanic's Magnificence
A. Discuss the characteristics and features of the ship that made it remarkable.
1. Size, scale, and compartments.
2. Opulent accommodations and amenities.
3. Technological advancements and luxurious details.

III. Factors Contributing to the Sinking
A. Insufficient Safety Measures
1. Inadequate lifeboat capacity.
2. Lack of a double-walled hull or reinforced bulkheads.
3. Absence of adequate safety drills.

B. Navigational Errors
1. Failure to respond appropriately to iceberg warnings.
2. High speed despite iceberg risks.
3. Lack of binoculars for lookout crew.

C. Collision with an Iceberg
1. Describe the events leading to the collision.
2. Elaborate on the damage caused to the ship.

IV. The Sinking of the Titanic
A. Initial response and evacuation efforts
1. Delay in responding to warnings and distress signals.
2. Challenges faced during evacuation.
3. Discrepancies in passenger and crew survival rates.

B. Moment-by-moment account of the sinking
1. Describe the sequence of events leading up to the ship's final moments.
2. Detail the gradual descent into the ocean.

C. Aftermath and rescue operations
1. Highlight the impact of the sinking on maritime safety regulations.
2. Summarize the rescue efforts and final death toll.

V. Conclusion
A. Recap the key points discussed in the essay.
B. Reiterate the significance of the Titanic as a cautionary tale.

To gather information for your essay, you can use the following online resources:

1. Encyclopedia Titanica ( - This website provides an extensive collection of articles, photographs, and firsthand accounts related to the Titanic.

2. National Geographic ( - National Geographic offers a well-researched article on the factors contributing to the Titanic's sinking.

3. ( - This website offers a comprehensive overview of the Titanic's history, construction, sinking, and aftermath.

Remember to critically evaluate the information obtained and cite your sources properly in your essay. Good luck with your writing!