A cars fuel efficiency is 24 miles per gallon and can be driven 324 miles with a full tank of gas. Write an expression for the amount of miles that be driven after X gallons have been used.

324 - 24x

To write an expression for the amount of miles that can be driven after X gallons have been used, we can start by finding the number of gallons used to drive 324 miles.

Given that the car's fuel efficiency is 24 miles per gallon, we can divide the total number of miles (324) by the number of miles per gallon (24):

324 miles / 24 miles per gallon = 13.5 gallons

This means that 13.5 gallons have been used to drive 324 miles.

To calculate the number of miles that can be driven after X gallons have been used, we can subtract the number of miles driven using those X gallons from the total number of miles.

The expression to calculate the remaining miles is:
324 miles - (X gallons * 24 miles per gallon)

For example, if 5 gallons have been used, the expression would be:
324 miles - (5 gallons * 24 miles per gallon) = 324 miles - 120 miles = 204 miles

So, after 5 gallons have been used, there would be approximately 204 miles remaining.