I find it difficult to look for appropriate synonyms. Here is what I found. I don’t know the meaning of “state residential treatment centre” .

1)A 13-year-old teenager throws a rock off a bridge over the motorway. The rock hits an oncoming car, killing the driver. In real life, the teenager is eventually tried in an adult court before a jury.
2) Two actors re-enact the story based on this true case. Other actors are then involved as the play continues.
3) They perform acrobatic feats (achievements?), dive into the audience, and swear profusely (continuously??) throughout the show. 4) At the end of the play the boy is acquitted and set free.When the teenage audience were asked to vote whether or not they thought the teenager in the case was guilty, the teenage audience was split almost equally into three groups: guilty, not guilty and undecided.
5) For one group of teenagers in the audience the play really hits home. (synonym).

1 and 2 = OK

3 - There really is no synonym for "acrobatic feats"; "profusely" = a great deal or continuously.

4 - ...audience was asked... (subject-verb agreement); comma needed

5 - "hits home" = becomes real

To find appropriate synonyms for the phrase "hits home," you can consider using a thesaurus or other reference tools. Here's how you can do it:

1. Use a Thesaurus: A thesaurus is a helpful resource for finding synonyms and antonyms. You can either use a physical thesaurus book or take advantage of online thesaurus websites and apps. Simply search for the phrase "hits home" and explore the list of synonyms provided.

2. Online Search: Use an internet search engine and enter the phrase "synonyms for hits home." This will present you with various sources, such as synonym websites or articles, which provide alternative words or phrases that can replace "hits home" in your sentence.

3. Context and Similar Meanings: Consider the context in which you want to use the synonym. In this case, "hits home" implies a strong emotional impact or resonance with a particular group. You can look for synonyms that convey a similar meaning, such as "resonates," "strikes a chord," "has an impact," "touches," or "connects deeply."

In your sentence, you could replace "hits home" with a synonym like "resonates" to convey the idea that the play strongly connects with one group of teenagers in the audience.