One afternoon, a couple walks five-eighths of the way around a circular lake, the radius of which is 1.45 km. They start at the west side of the lake and head due south to begin with.

(a) What is the distance they travel?


delete one of the radius in the above, I got carried away.


To find the distance the couple travels, we first need to determine the circumference of the circular lake.

The circumference of a circle can be calculated using the formula:
C = 2πr

C = circumference
π (pi) ≈ 3.14159
r = radius

Given that the radius of the circular lake is 1.45 km, we can substitute this value into the formula:
C = 2π(1.45)

Calculating this expression gives us:
C ≈ 2 * 3.14159 * 1.45

C ≈ 9.094 km

Now, to determine the distance the couple travels, we need to find five-eighths of the circumference.

Fraction of circumference traveled = 5/8

Therefore, the distance traveled by the couple is:
Distance traveled = Fraction of circumference traveled * Circumference

Distance traveled ≈ (5/8) * 9.094

Calculating this gives us:
Distance traveled ≈ (5/8) * 9.094

Distance traveled ≈ 5.68375 km

Therefore, the couple travels approximately 5.68375 km.