Nora has 1,555 songs on her computer. She rounds this number to the nearest ten, to the nearest hundred and the nearest thousand. She gets three diffrent rounded numbers. What are the numbers? Why

To the nearest ten -- 1,560

I'll be glad to check your answers to the other two questions.

1,600 and 2,000




To round a number to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand, we need to look at the digit in the next place value.

1. Rounding to the nearest ten:
To round the number 1,555 to the nearest ten, we look at the digit in the ones place (5). Since 5 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up to the next ten. Therefore, rounding 1,555 to the nearest ten gives us 1,560.

2. Rounding to the nearest hundred:
To round the number 1,555 to the nearest hundred, we look at the digit in the tens place (5). Since 5 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up to the next hundred. Therefore, rounding 1,555 to the nearest hundred gives us 1,600.

3. Rounding to the nearest thousand:
To round the number 1,555 to the nearest thousand, we look at the digit in the hundreds place (1). Since 1 is less than 5, we round down to the lower thousand. Therefore, rounding 1,555 to the nearest thousand gives us 1,000.

So, the rounded numbers are:
Round to the nearest ten: 1,560
Round to the nearest hundred: 1,600
Round to the nearest thousand: 1,000

These are the three different rounded numbers because rounding to different place values (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands) results in different outcomes.