How do we define "historical"? What sorts of things count as historical events?

Historical means events that happened in the past that were written down. Technically, the historic period begins at the time writing is first used in a culture or by other observers. One of the earliest writing systems developed in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago.

Historical events can be anything that happened and was recorded in writing at the time.

MsSue is right, however, the records of historical events often have a lot of fiction written in the descriptions. Much is written to express a point of view, and much is written as expiedent politics of the time.

To define the term "historical," we can say that it refers to anything related to the past, especially events, people, or topics that have significant importance or impact. Historical events can be classified into various categories, including political, social, cultural, scientific, technological, or military events.

To determine whether something is considered a historical event, several factors can be considered:

1. Time: Generally, historical events have occurred in the past. The specific timeframe may vary, but events that took place at least a few years ago are often considered historical.

2. Impact: Historical events often have had a substantial influence on society, shaping the course of history, or leaving a lasting legacy. These events can include major battles, revolutions, breakthrough scientific discoveries, or significant cultural movements.

3. Documentation: Another crucial aspect is the availability of evidence and documentation. Historical events are typically supported by credible and reliable sources such as historical records, eyewitness accounts, photos, videos, or artifacts.

4. Interpretation: The interpretation and analysis of events by historians and scholars also play a role in determining their historical significance. Events that are extensively studied, debated, and referenced within the field of history are more likely to be considered historical.

It is important to note that what is considered historical can vary from one culture or perspective to another. Different societies may have their own specific events or eras that they consider significant and define as historical.