About what percent of the total population believed saying 136,800,000 to be true?

Total population: 250,000,000?
Answer is 55% how did you get this percent?

136800000 divided by 250000000 it simple like a fraction 136800000 is the numerator and 250000000 is the denominator and to find a decimal you would divide the numer. by the denomin. and then to get a percent you multiply that decimal by 100 and round it!

sorry if you were looking for an explanation from the other person.

list a set of at least twelve numbers that has the following landmarks minimum 28 maximum 34 median 30 mode 29


To calculate the percentage of the total population that believed saying 136,800,000 to be true, we need the number of people who believed it to be true.

Assuming the population is 250,000,000 and the number of people who believed it to be true is 136,800,000, we can calculate the percentage as follows:

1. Take the number of people who believed it to be true (136,800,000) and divide it by the total population (250,000,000).
136,800,000 ÷ 250,000,000 = 0.5472

2. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
0.5472 * 100 = 54.72

Therefore, approximately 54.72% of the total population believed saying 136,800,000 to be true.

I apologize for the discrepancy in the answer I provided earlier. The correct percentage is approximately 54.72%, not 55%.