a person who love education is?

Are you given choices of words? I'm not about to start guessing.


A person who loves education is often referred to as an education enthusiast or an education lover. They have a strong passion for learning, acquiring knowledge, and promoting the importance of education in society.

To find more information about this topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an internet search: Use a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo and enter keywords such as "people who love education" or "education enthusiasts." This will provide you with various articles, blogs, and forums discussing this topic.

2. Check educational websites: Visit reputable educational websites, such as those run by universities, educational organizations, or professional networks. They often have articles or profiles of individuals who are passionate about education.

3. Join education-related communities: Engage with online communities or forums dedicated to education. Websites like Reddit or Quora have dedicated sections where passionate individuals discuss and share their love for education. By participating in these communities, you can directly interact with people who share their experiences and perspectives.

4. Seek out personal stories or interviews: Look for interviews or personal stories of individuals known for their love of education. Many authors, educators, and professionals have shared their journeys and experiences in various mediums like books, podcasts, or videos.

Remember, these steps are general guidelines, and the results may vary based on your specific search queries and the resources available.