The radius of the Iron atom is 124 pm. How many of these will span a distance of 50.5 m..

To find out how many iron atoms will span a distance of 50.5 meters, we need to calculate the number of atoms in a line within that distance.

First, we need to convert the distance of 50.5 meters to picometers (pm) since the given radius of an iron atom is in picometers.

1 meter = 1,000,000,000,000 picometers (pm)

50.5 meters = 50.5 x 1,000,000,000,000 pm = 50,500,000,000,000 pm

Now, let's calculate the number of iron atoms in a line of 50.5 meters.

To determine the number of atoms that can line up with each other, we divide the total length by the diameter of each atom.

The diameter of an atom is twice the radius. So, the diameter of an iron atom is:

2 x 124 pm = 248 pm

Now, we can calculate the number of atoms:

Number of atoms = Total length / Diameter of each atom

Number of atoms = 50,500,000,000,000 pm / 248 pm

Number of atoms ≈ 203,629,032,258

Therefore, approximately 203,629,032,258 iron atoms will span a distance of 50.5 meters.