Please help me calculate these integrals.

Suppose that Int 0->1 f(t)dt=11 . Calculate each of the following.
A. int0->0.25 f(4t)dt=

B. int0->0.25 f(1−4t)dt=

C. int0.25->0.375 f(3−8t)dt=

Try substitution:

du=4dt, or
∫f(4t)dt [0,0.25]
=∫f(u)(1/4)du [0,4*0.25]
=(1/4)∫f(u)du [0,1]

The other problems should work similarly.

To calculate these integrals, we can use a technique called variable substitution. We substitute the given expression in the integrals with a new variable, perform the integration using the new variable, and then revert back to the original variable.

Let's start with the first integral:

A. int0->0.25 f(4t)dt

To find the new variable, let's set 4t equal to the new variable, say u. So, we have:

u = 4t

To get dt in terms of du, we can differentiate both sides with respect to t:

du/dt = 4

Now, solve the above equation for dt:

dt = (1/4) du

Substitute dt and u into the integral:

int0->0.25 f(4t)dt = int0->0.25 f(u) * (1/4) du

Now, evaluate the limits of integration using the substitution:

When t = 0, u = 4(0) = 0
When t = 0.25, u = 4(0.25) = 1

Therefore, the new limits of integration are from 0 to 1. The integral becomes:

int0->0.25 f(4t)dt = (1/4) int0->1 f(u) du

Since Int 0->1 f(t)dt = 11, the integral becomes:

(1/4) * 11 = 11/4 = 2.75

So, A. int0->0.25 f(4t)dt = 2.75.

Similarly, we can proceed with the other integrals:

B. int0->0.25 f(1−4t)dt

Set 1-4t equal to a new variable v:

v = 1 - 4t

Differentiating both sides with respect to t:

dv/dt = -4

dt = - (1/4) dv

Substitute dt and u into the integral:

int0->0.25 f(1−4t)dt = int0->0.25 f(v) * (-1/4) dv

Since Int 0->1 f(t)dt = 11, the integral becomes:

(-1/4) * 11 = -11/4 = -2.75

So, B. int0->0.25 f(1−4t)dt = -2.75.

C. int0.25->0.375 f(3−8t)dt

Set 3-8t equal to a new variable w:

w = 3 - 8t

Differentiating both sides with respect to t:

dw/dt = -8

dt = - (1/8) dw

Substitute dt and u into the integral:

int0.25->0.375 f(3−8t)dt = int0.25->0.375 f(w) * (-1/8) dw

The limits of integration remain the same.

Therefore, using the same logic as above:

C. int0.25->0.375 f(3−8t)dt = - (1/8) * 11 = -11/8 = -1.375

So, C. int0.25->0.375 f(3−8t)dt = -1.375.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to calculate these integrals using the technique of variable substitution.