i wanted to make sure that both functions are the same.

y = 2 sin (4x + pi) +3


y = 2 sin 4 ((x) + (pi/4)) + 3

sin ( theta + pi ) = - sin ( theta )

sin ( 4x + pi ) = - sin ( 4x )

2 sin ( 4x + pi ) = - 2 sin ( 4x )

2 sin (4x + pi) + 3 = - 2 sin (4x) + 3 =
3 - 2 sin (4x)

For the second:

y = 2 sin 4 ((x) + (pi/4)) + 3
= 2 sin (x + pi) + 3 , I just distributed the 4 over the bracket

so, yes, they are the same

To determine if both functions are the same, we need to simplify and compare them.

First, let's simplify each function:

Function 1:
y = 2 sin (4x + pi) + 3

Function 2:
y = 2 sin 4 ((x) + (pi/4)) + 3

In Function 1, we have sin (4x + pi). This means the function has a sine wave with a period of 2*pi/4 = pi/2 (since the coefficient of x is 4).

In Function 2, we have sin 4 ((x) + (pi/4)). This means the function has a sine wave with a period of 2*pi/4 = pi/2.

So, both functions have the same period of pi/2.

Now let's compare the phase shifts:

In Function 1, the phase shift is -pi/4. This means the sine wave is shifted to the right by pi/4 units.

In Function 2, the phase shift is pi/4. This means the sine wave is shifted to the left by pi/4 units.

Since the phase shifts have opposite signs, the functions are not the same.

To verify this, we can graph both functions on a graphing calculator or software and observe the differences in their shapes and positions.