I need help setting up an equation for the following word problem:

Two buses leave Dallas at the same time and travelin opposite directions. One bus averages 56 mi/h and the other bus averages 52 mi/h. When will they be 363 mi apart?


363= 58t+52t

To set up an equation for this word problem, we can use the formula for distance:

Distance = (Speed) x (Time)

Let's assign variables to the unknowns. We can use "t" to represent the time it takes for the buses to be 363 miles apart.

Now let's break down the information given in the problem:

- The first bus is traveling at an average speed of 56 mi/h.
- The second bus is traveling at an average speed of 52 mi/h.
- Both buses leave Dallas at the same time.
- We want to know when they will be 363 miles apart.

Since the buses are traveling in opposite directions, the distance covered by both buses combined will be the sum of their distances. Therefore, the equation can be set up as follows:

56t + 52t = 363

Here, 56t represents the distance covered by the first bus (56 miles per hour) for time "t," and 52t represents the distance covered by the second bus (52 miles per hour) for time "t".

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of "t," which represents the time it will take for the buses to be 363 miles apart.